The impact of habitat fragmentation can strongly vary among species or individuals depending on their dispersal abilities (e.g. ability to move through the matrix1), and poor dispersers suffer the most from a fragmented landscape. The common adder (Vipera berus) is a widespread snake species with a low dispersal ability2-4, important phylopatry5,6 and a significant population decline associated with habitat degradation and loss of connectivity (e.g. road building; lack of shelters7,8). Previous studies demonstrated that V. berus populations are strongly affected genetically (e.g. inbreeding; inviable offspring) when populations are isolated from each other9. Similarly, separated by 20km while other population pairs could show no sign of genetic separation despite being 100km apart10. Therefore, this species provides a good opportunity to study functional connectivity and the impact of habitat structure on dispersion, especially since V. berus is a target species for the French green and blue network11,12.
We addressed the influence of fine scale landscape structure (1-10km) on V. berus genetics. The study site (10 × 7km), located in Brittany (France) is based on an agricultural landscape with a network of secondary roads surrounding a preserved Natura 2000 site (4.4 km² of woods, heathland and a hedgerows network). We hypothesized that gene flow would be lower in the agricultural landscape than in the preserved habitat. Accordingly, we expected to find a unique genetic cluster in the Natura 2000 site, within which only weak Isolation-By-Distance (IBD) would be detectable owing to habitats proximity at a fine spatial scale (< 3km). In contrast, we expected several clusters in the rest of the study area, with a strong genetic structure probably related to Isolation-By-Resistance (IBR) or Barriers (IBB) caused by roads or agricultural areas.
In 2015-2016, we set up a targeted and nested sampling design with replicates according to an Individuals-based Sampling Scheme (ISS). This allowed us to collect DNA samples from swabs for 281 adults V. berus in 81 “aggregates” (i.e. localities with 4 to 5 individuals13 found less than 200m from each other). This sampling method is particularly adapted to detect contemporary effects14 and for its flexibility13, which is effective to sample species with a secretive nature and a continuous distribution15,16.
Our clustering analysis reveals a single cluster in the whole area. We also detected a strong IBD effect, not only in the preserved zone but on the whole study area. Mantel correlograms under IBD revealed a significant difference of spatial autocorrelation between sexes, with males dispersing more. However, IBD is not sufficient to explain genetic variation for some pairs of individuals. We expect therefore that landscape features will provide additional information to understand genetic variation in the study area.
1. Fischer J, Lindenmayer DB (2007) Landscape modification and habitat fragmentation: a synthesis. Glob Ecol Biogeogr 16:265–280.
2. Viitanen P (1967) Hibernation and seasonal movements of the viper, Vipera berus berus (L.), in southern Finland. Ann Zool Fenn 4:472–546.
3. Prestt I (1971) An ecological study of the viper Vipera berus in southern Britain. J Zool 164:373–418.
4. Neumeyer R (1987) Density and seasonal movements of the adder (Vipera berus L. 1758) in a subalpine environment. Amphib-Reptil 8:259–276.
5. Madsen T, Shine R (1992) Sexual competition among brothers may influence offspring sex ratio in snakes. Evolution 46:1549–1552.
6. Luiselli L (1993) High philopatry can produce strong sexual competition in male adders, Vipera berus. Amphib-Reptil 14:310–311.
7. Dodd CKJ, Barichivich WJ, Smith LL (2004) Effectiveness of a barrier wall and culverts in reducing wildlife mortality on a heavily traveled highway in Florida. Biol Conserv 118:619–631. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2003.10.011
8. Shine R, Bonnet X (2009) Reproductive biology, population viability, and options for field management. In: Mullin SJ, Seigel RA (eds) Snakes: ecology and conservation. Comstock Pub. Associates/Cornell University Press, Ithaca, pp 172–200
9. Madsen T, Stille B, Shine R (1996) Inbreeding depression in an isolated population of adders Vipera berus. Biol Conserv 75:113–118.
10. Ursenbacher S, Monney J-C, Fumagalli L (2009) Limited genetic diversity and high differentiation among the remnant adder (Vipera berus) populations in the Swiss and French Jura Mountains. Conserv Genet 10:303–315. doi: 10.1007/s10592-008-9580-7
11. Sordello R, Comolet-Tirman J, De Massary JC, et al (2011) Trame verte et bleue – Critères nationaux de cohérence – Contribution à la définition du critère sur les espèces.
12. Sordello R, Conruyt-Rogeon G, Merlet F, et al (2013) Synthèses bibliographiques sur les traits de vie de 39 espèces proposées pour la cohérence nationale de la Trame verte et bleue relatifs à leurs déplacements et besoins de continuité écologique. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) - Service du Patrimoine Naturel (SPN) & Office pour les insectes et leur environnement (Opie)
13. Prunier JG, Kaufmann B, Fenet S, et al (2013) Optimizing the trade-off between spatial and genetic sampling efforts in patchy populations: towards a better assessment of functional connectivity using an individual-based sampling scheme. Mol Ecol 22:5516–5530. doi: 10.1111/mec.12499
14. Landguth EL, Cushman SA, Murphy MA, Luikart G (2010) Relationships between migration rates and landscape resistance assessed using individual-based simulations. Mol Ecol Resour 10:854–862. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02867.x
15. Schwartz MK, McKelvey KS (2009) Why sampling scheme matters: the effect of sampling scheme on landscape genetic results. Conserv Genet 10:441–452. doi: 10.1007/s10592-008-9622-1
16. Landguth EL, Schwartz MK (2014) Evaluating sample allocation and effort in detecting population differentiation for discrete and continuously distributed individuals. Conserv Genet 15:981–992. doi: 10.1007/s10592-014-0593-0
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