3D Landscapes. Metrics, techniques and applications

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Making 3-D data operable in LULCC scenario development as assessment basis for LULCC impacts on ES

Christine Fürst, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Katrin Pietzsch, Frank Pietzsch...

Emergent effects of interactions between landscape units in multiple scales

Dr. Alexander V. Khoroshev
Moscow Lomonosov State University, Faculty of Geography

3D Landscape Metrics: what and how can be computed?

Mihai-Sorin Stupariu (1,2), Ileana Pătru-Stupariu (2,3), Ciprian Timofte (1)

1. Faculty...

Does multidimensional (2D & 3D) urban study inspire urban ‎sustainability?‎

Saddrodin Alavipanah, Johannes Schreyer, Salman Qureshi, Dagmar Haase, Tobia Lakes


3D landscape pattern analysis using wavelets based techniques

Mihai-Sorin Stupariu (1,2), Alin-Ionuţ Pleşoianu (2,3), Ileana Pătru-Stupariu (2,3)


Fostering landscape transformation through iterative modeling and design using 3D point clouds

Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems, ETH Zürich,...

3D Landscape structure and carbon storage mapping in Mediterranean Dehesas of southern Spain

R. Martínez (1,2), Daniel Sánchez (2), J. Montalvo (1,2), S.Ortega(2)

(1) Departamento de...

Computer graphics approaches related to environmental applications. A focus on vegetation representations for 3D Landscapes

Marc JAEGER; Amap – CIRAD Montpellier France
Cédric GAUCHEREL; Amap – INRA Montpellier...