Urban Green Infrastructure Planning – evidence based interdisciplinary research across Europe

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Status and future directions for residential street infrastructure retrofits

Ksenia Aleksandrova, M.L.A., Dr. Wendy McWilliam, Dr. Andreas Wesener,


A strategic approach for climate change adaptation via urban green infrastructure at neighbourhood scale

Stephan Pauleit, Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich,...

Green infrastructure in strategic spatial plans: conceptualization and representation

Simona R. Gradinaru, Anna M. Hersperger

Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Landscape...

Protected Areas of Moscow as a Part of Urban Green Infrastructure: Main Gaps of Planning

Oxana A.Klimanova, Moscow State University, Department of Geography
Evgeny Yu.Kolbowsky,...

Predicting pattern of urban green space in developing countries; a case study of Iran

a.Mahsa Bazrafshan,b.Felix Kienast*
a.Departement of environmental design engineering,...

The ecosystem services of unplanned green spaces in cities

Wendy Fjellstad, Jutta Kapfer, Wenche Dramstad
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research...

Urban parks as habitat providers for biodiversity: a multi-scale analysis in the urban area of Milan

Emilio Padoa-Schioppa (1), Raoul Manenti (2) and Claudia Canedoli (1)

1 Department of...

Farmland – an Elephant in the Room of Urban Green Infrastructure? Lessons learned from different case studies.

Werner Rolf
Technical University of Munich, Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and...

Strategies for urban green infrastructure development – lessons from Europe and Germany

Werner Rolf, Rieke Hansen, Emily L. Rall, and Stephan Pauleit
Technical University of...

Treescape design - The agency of research by design to open up new avenues on woody urban green infrastructure

Bjoke Carron
KU Leuven, Department of Architecture