On 23 April 2022, Bob Bunce (UK) passed away. He already attended the first major IALE meeting at Veldhoven in 1981 and progressively became committed to the cause of Landscape Ecology. He was one of the founders of ialeUK in 1992, was IALE president from 2003-2007 and one of the initiators of the European IALE chapter. Many people will remember Bob for his enormous field knowledge, the first national survey of vegetation and environment in 1978, and the introduction of the Countryside Survey in the UK, which all has inspired many researchers. After his retirement, he continued working in the UK and at the international level. Bob always supported young landscape ecologists across Europe and was eager to share his knowledge with them. Read the obituary to Bob that has been prepared by our colleagues from ialeUK, as well as the article about Bob printed by The Guardian.