Contact IALE-Europe
Composition of the Executive Committee 2017-2021 Read more
National chapter in the Spotlight
Check our section national chapter in the spotlight to learn more about the different IALE regions in Europe.
International Community
IALE-Europe is the European Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE).
National Chapters in Europe
Currently four national chapters of IALE have a collective membership of IALE-Europe:
- Germany: IALE Region Deutschland (IALE-D)
- Italy: Società Italiana di Ecologia del Paesaggio (SIEP)
- Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Ecologia da Paisagem (APEP)
- United Kingdom: International Association for Landscape Ecology - United Kingdom (ialeUK)
Other official national IALE chapters in Europe:
- Czech Republic: České společnosti pro krajinnou ekologii (CZ-IALE)
- Poland: Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu (PAEK)
- Romania: Asociația Internațională pentru Ecologia Peisajului (România)
- Spain: Asociacion Internacional de Ecología del Paisaje España (AEEP)
- Slovak Republic: Slovenskej Asociácie pre Krajinnú Ekológiu (IALE-SK)
- Sweden: IALE Sverige
- Turkey: Peyzaj Araştırmaları Derneği (PAD)