By becoming a member of IALE-Europe, you will join the European and international community of landscape ecologists and benefit from the experience in research, education and practice.
To become an individual member, please contact Federica Larcher, while our submission system is under construction.
By becoming a member of IALE-Europe, you will automatically be a member of IALE-International.
Keep in mind...
- If you live in an official region of which the national chapter has a European Collective Chapter Membership (see Links), you are already a member of IALE-Europe.
- If you live in an official region of which the national chapter is not a Collective Chapter Member of IALE-Europe (see Links), please contact your chapter directly or us for more information.
- If no national chapter exists in your region, you are invited to become an Individual Member (regular or student) of IALE-Europe.
When to register...
- Early payments done by June 30th (these payments are considered as early registration by IALE International, meaning that IALE-Europe will have to pay a smaller contribution to the international level and thus more money of your annual fee can be used to invest in own activities)
- Late payments done by December 31th
Before you start...
- If you registered previously as member for IALE-Europe and paid via PayPal, it is possible you have chosen for a recurrent payment. By doing so, the payment for the following year will be done automatically and thus your subscription is already finished. You can check this in your own PayPal account or otherwise by contacting the membership administrator of IALE-Europe (Federica Larcher).
- In any other case, you have to renew your membership by completing the membership form yearly or every two year (in case you select to become a regular member for two consecutive years).
More information can be found in the Membership arrangements and fee structure or by contacting our membership administrator Federica Larcher.