On the 1st and 2nd of November 2013, IALE Romania organized the first official meeting to announce the launch of the chapter. The event was dedicated to understanding Landscape Ecology as a new research and educational direction in Romania. Over the two days, the members and invited guests participated in the workshop titled Landscape Ecology - linking Nature and Human Dimensions.
The aim of IALE Romania is to promote landscape ecology as a basis and a scientific instrument for the analysis, planning and the management of Romanian landscapes. The purpose is to provide a platform for promoting landscape ecology. Thus, IALE Romania provides opportunities for interaction between researchers, students, policy makers and practitioners. This undertaking is necessary, since landscape ecology is a new field in Romania.
Currently, IALE Romania has 11 members, ranging from PhD students, practitioners and researchers, to professors. Members work in the fields of landscape ecology, mathematics, spatial planning and urbanism, ecology, geography, biology, GIS, and education.
Members of the IALE Romania are involved in three Working Groups of IALE: 3D landscape metrics, Landscape Ecology in Schools and Landscape planning. Particularly, the first two WGs have been started with the contribution of IALE Romania.
At the IALE World Congress in Milan, IALE Romania has actively contributed to symposia organization on the topics of 3D landscape metrics and visualization techniques, novel ways to couple ecological sciences and territorial governance with strategic spatial planning and innovations in teaching and learning landscape ecology.
IALE Romania is committed to continue its activity through active participation in IALE events, joint research projects and publications.
On behalf of IALE Romania board,
Ileana Stupariu,
President of IALE Romania
Website of the chapter: https://landscape.cc.unibuc.ro/iale/
[National chapter in the spotlight - Autumn 2019]