The Italian Society of Landscape Ecology, Società Italiana di Ecologia del Paesaggio SIEP-IALE, was founded in 1989 as one of the first active national chapters of the IALE. The association brings together those who are interested or active (in science and practice) in the field of Landscape Ecology with the aim of deepening and updating the principles, criteria and methods of this discipline. SIEP is collaborating with various associations, organizations, universities and research institutes in the field of environmental management, planning and conservation, both nationally and internationally. About 30 conferences, workshops & seminars have been organised by SIEP up today with further courses and cooperative organisation of events as part of the CATAP network (Italian netwerk for the Coordination of technical-Scientific Associations for the Environment and Landscape). 

The current executive committee is represented by Emilio Padoa-Schioppa (president), Serena D'Ambrogi (vice predident), Claudia Canedoli (secretary), Federica Larcher (treasurer) and Angela Colucci, Gianluigi Pirrera as well as Ferdinando Trapani as advisors. 

One of the most recent started activites is the new association's “youth” working group with an own Facebook-Page and Youtube-Channel that furthermore organizes a series of online seminars dedicated to urban landscapes. Another new activity is a just launched Living Special Issue in Landscape Online offering the opportunity of continous open-access publication of papers adressing "Italian landscapes towards 2030: Identity, Care and Perspectives".

In July 2019, SIEP-IALE organized the 10th IALE World Congress in Milan. The congress has been considered as a milestone for the Italian landscape ecology community, with more than 1000 attendees from around the world, stimulating discussion about sustainable development. As an outcome SIEP  has decided to offer the Italian public administration a summary with regard to future orientations, strategies, and stimulating innovative solutions. This legay document proposes a number of actions to be taken. The legacy document has been published in Italian language and can be downloaded here. Furthermore a technical summary is available here

Website of the chapter: