The main overall goal of the term 2017-2021 is to support and build the community of landscape ecologists in Europe, particularly to develop activities to complement World, European and national conferences, and to increase the sense of belonging.
Specific activities will include:
- Improving communication with members: IALE-Europe now has an established website and Twitter profile. We will build on this to increase the regularity of communication with members and the transparency of the organisation. In particular we will develop a blog on the website that will allow members to share ideas. We will also develop a newsletter to be sent every 6 months by email.
- Supporting national chapters: We will work to continuously improve the dialogue with and among the national chapters across Europe. At least one call will be arranged each year with the president of each national chapter. We will arrange one online meeting with all national chapters each year.
- Nurturing new national chapters: We will provide support to any European countries intending to establish a new national chapter.
- Collaborating with IALE: We will continue to work actively to support the activities of IALE International.
- Developing working groups: IALE-Europe has three working groups (WG 1 Europe’s Stakeholders - Shaping future policy and science; WG 2 Education in landscape ecology – Sharing knowledge and experience; and WG 3 Landscape Ecology and Practice – Bridging science and society), which we see more as working themes to organise activities. We will continue and enhance the three working groups and encourage wider participation in their activities.
- Organising PhD courses: We will organise a PhD course to accompany the IALE 2019 World Congress in Milano and the IALE 2021 European Congress.
- Supporting early-career landscape ecologists: We will work to support early-career landscape ecologists including self- organised early-career workshops in 2018 and 2020 to increase international collaboration.
- Holding a European Symposium at World Congress: We will organise a Europe-focussed symposium at the IALE 2019 World Congress in Milano.
- Supporting thematic workshops: We will provide support to members of IALE-Europe and national chapters for locally organised two day thematic workshops to encourage European exchange on particular topics in landscape ecology.
- Leading IALE 2021 European Congress: We will identify a venue and organiser for the next European Congress and provided full support to develop a successful meeting.
- Conducting member survey: At the start of the term, a survey that is sent to all members of IALE-Europe to canvass views and identify further priorities for activity.