Symposium 1 – GIS, remote sensing and mapping in landscape ecology and urban forestry
Integrating existing data and mapping newly obtained information is of key importance. Are there novel methods of data collection? What analysis methods and tools are available? What are the most recent methodological developments? Can best practice in data collection and analysis be identified? (Organised by Dr David Hladnik and Dr Milan Kobal, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, SI).
Symposium 2 – Forest recreation and well-being, landscape ecology and urban forestry
Human health and well-being is one of the key issues in human-nature relations of urban forestry in the 21st century. What are the most effective indicators of recreation demand and use: self-reported and/or objective? How do you understand that quality of recreation experience and value it in monetary and non-monetary terms? How and why can monetary estimates of recreation be a part of urban forest management planning? What are environmental impacts of recreation? (Organised by dr. Andrej Verlič and Anže Japelj, Slovenian Forestry Institute).
Symposium 3 – Future functions and ecosystem services in urban and suburban landscapes
Urban and suburban landscapes are a meeting place where many driving forces affect change. What are future opportunities in urban and periurban forestry, agriculture, agroforestry and nature conservation? How do the natural, cultural and perceptual aspects of landscape inform mapping and understanding of ecosystem services? How can landscape ecology in urban and periurban forestry enhance ecosystem services? (Organised by Dr Janez Pirnat, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty; Jonathan Porter, Countryscape UK; Dr Emilio Padoa-Schioppa, University of Milano-Bicocca, I).